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Electron Client


The development team mainly uses the dev branch to develop new features and fix bugs. The main branch is updated for main releases.


git clone
cd next
git checkout dev
cd webstack/clients/electron
npm install
npx electron electron.js -s


You can run the Electron client from sources, the main source file is electron.js (in webstack/clients/electron folder).

npx electron electron.js -h
Usage: electron [options]

-V, --version output the version number
-d, --display <n> Display client ID number (int) (default: 0)
-f, --fullscreen Fullscreen (boolean) (default: false)
-m, --monitor <n> Select a monitor (int) (default: null)
-n, --no_decoration Remove window decoration (boolean) (default: false)
-s, --server <s> Server URL (string) (default: "")
-x, --xorigin <n> Window position x (int) (default: 226)
-y, --yorigin <n> Window position y (int) (default: 38)
-c, --clear Clear window preferences (default: false)
--allowDisplayingInsecure Allow displaying of insecure content (http on https) (default: true)
--allowRunningInsecure Allow running insecure content (scripts accessed on http vs https) (default:
--cache Clear the cache at startup (default: false)
--console Open the devtools console (default: false)
--debug Open the port debug protocol (port number is 9222 + clientID) (default:
--experimentalFeatures Enable experimental features (default: false)
--height <n> Window height (int) (default: 944)
--disable-hardware Disable hardware acceleration (default: false)
--show-fps Display the Chrome FPS counter (default: false)
--profile <s> Create a profile (string)
--width <n> Window width (int) (default: 1061)
-h, --help display help for command


You can generate binaries from Electron using the electron-packagerpackage.


npx electron-packager ./ --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --icon=s3.icns --overwrite --protocol=sage3 --protocol-name="SAGE3 application"


npx electron-packager . --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --icon=s3.ico --overwrite


To distribute binaries, they should be notarized and signed so they can be installed smoothly on users' machines. We provide a series of build_* scripts, that you can use starting points. You will need a developer certificate for the operating system you want to target (macOS developer certificate, Windows developer certificate, ...).


Using a combination of electron-packager, electron-notarize, electron-osx-sign and electron-installer-dmg we can build installable binaries (DMG file containing a signed binary application). This is currently automated using GitHub actions on

We use the update-electron-app package to trigger an update check, download and restart. Internally, that uses the 'autoUpdater' API from Electron to check for an update.


Packages used: electron-packager, electron-winstaller

TODO: signed binary steps (need help)


We trigger a new version of the binaries but committing sources in webstack/clients/electron

  • Automatic updates (macOS only for now) are handled by creating a git tag in the dev branch.
  • Edit the package.json to increase the version number
  • git tag 1.0.10
  • git push origin 1.0.10
  • Find the new update in the github release page: